Jack Nitzsche and Neil Young
From Spector to the Stones to the Springfield to The Exorcist to a solo album he won't, or can't, sell.
Jack Nitzsche is well known as the producer and arranger on the masterpiece "Expecting To Fly", as well as, Harvest's "A Man Needs Maid" (performed with the London Symphony Orchestra). Crazy Horse roadie, Willie "Baby John" Hinds was quoted in Shake! magazine saying: "Crazy Horse in Jack Nitzsche's mind was an American Rolling Stones."
The following interview with Jack Nitzsche excerpted from CRAWDADDY magazine, November 1974 (Issue #42), "EXPECTING TO FLY" by David Talbot and Barbara Zheutlin:
The careers of Nitzsche and Young have criss-crossed a number of times over the years - from Young's 'Expecting to Fly,' which Nitzsche produced and arranged on the second Buffalo Springfield album, to Young's last solo tour which featured Nitzsche on back-up piano. But Nitzsche has closed the door on the possibility of any future collaboration. 'His lyrics are so dumb and pretentious.' scowls Nitzsche. 'I mean anyone who would write lyrics like 'Someone and someone were down by the pond, looking for something to plant in the lawn' or 'Are you ready for the country?'! The tour was torture. Everyone in the band was bored to death with those terrible guitar solos. He would turn and face the band with this stupid grimace while he was playing, and I would nearly roll on the stage laughing. He takes himself so seriously.
'You know, Neil presented a different image...he appeared to be a really hip, of the people guy. But it turned out to be bullshit. Neil Young is the biggest offender of all of them - his whole lifestyle is the millionaire who doesn't give a shit about anything, about anybody but himself. He doesn't even write well. But everybody's fooled because they think they should like him - I mean if you don't like Neil Young, how funky are you?' "
Another Jack Nitzsche interview form He called me the next morning and said he really
didn't remember too much of what he said. I asked if
they discussed his career (the idea for doing the
interview) and he answered by saying he seemed to talk
about Neil a lot. As that point he moaned as he
started realizing some of the things he said. 'I'm
going to call Neil now and warn him about what might
be printed.' He told me later that Neil told him not
to worry about it, but he started sensing WWIII was
just around the corner.'" For more on Jack Nitzsche and Neil Young see Carrie Snodgrass interview.
"Jack was pretty drunk when he gave this interview. He
had hepatitis when he was young, and his body did not
handle alcohol consumption real well. He was living on
a property in Bear Gulch, which was owned by Neil
Young. At this time there had been some talks that
maybe Jack was going to have to move. He did the
interview, which was a mistake, and said way too much
in his rambles.
Thrasher's Wheat - A Neil Young Fan Page